Friday, 30 November 2012

PRODUCTION - Skills Development 2

Producing the project this year was a lot different to the project we did in AS. We ignored factors that would've been essential last year such as continuity and we had to more filming  and have more frequent edits, and also adding factors such as Mise en Scene,shot types and the biggest factor sound we had a lot to do. The main plan was to film in settings that fitted with the mood of the song, and we did that. And while producing our rough cut, we cut from one location to another as we were trying to follow a specific part of Andrew Goodwin's theory, Disjuncture. But after  showing the rough cut we learnt that songs that follow a disjuncture style must also have some sort of structure to it in order for it to make sense, something we learnt following the feedback from our peers and the teachers.
Another thing I learnt from the production of this project was that the communication had to be more frequent between my group, we  communicated alot more than my group last year. This factor allowed us to present our ideas in more detail to each other before filming so we could quickly make any changes to the plan we were following. ( we mainly communicated on smartphones)
I learnt a lot from editing this year too, such as matching the base tracks we filmed to the song.Most of the base tracks were too fast for the song so we had to slow the footage down.
I also learnt some new tricks this year such as using the Colour Correction 3-way filter this year, so we could  adjust the settings of the saturation filter we also placed on the music video.
Overall the production process this year has taught me a lot and it will help us with our planning for the digi packs.

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