Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Poster analysis

I will look at three different posters for a hip-hop album, all have very different styles and are interesting.

This poster for the album 'Man On The Moon II The Legend Of Mr. Rager' by the artist Kid Cudi. This album poster seems to portray more of a film poster. It has the title of the album at the top, the artist in the middle sitting on a chair and the copyright and other information on the bottom which is similar to a film poster. It also has a interesting effect where there seem to be two large red eyes looking at the audience. It seems to be very dark and which may reflect on the album because of the colours used which are black and a blood res colour. This artist in the poster doesn't seem to follow the hip-hop conventions and is wearing a suit and tie and is not portraying a music figure. There is no album date or any other information, this is very minimal but also makes me interested in finding out more about the artist and album.

The next poster is from the album 'Nellyville' from the artist Nelly, this poster seems to be the opposite of the one above. It has a release date, and also tries to sell it more by telling the audience it includes the single 'hot in here'. The artist is very familiar so it is easy to tell this is a hip-hop poster. The colours for this album also are very minimal, it seems to be in black and white but with some colour and also using also has a link to the website of the artist at the bottom to give the audience more information.

This is a very obvious hip-hop poster. The first thing that gives it away is the artist himself Talib Kweli, in this poster he is trying to sell his new album 'Gutter Rainbows'. This artist seems to follow the style with the baseball cap and stylish coat he is wearing. It also shows that he will be performing at a 'New Era' store which is also common in the hip-hop genre. At the bottom it tells the audience they can get a autograph and that they can buy the album there. it also has the date in big bold letter to make it more obvious to the audience. The colour scheme which seems to be prominent in the poster is green, black and white, this is kept constant from his clothes to the font.

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