Today, nearly everyone is on a social networking site, such as Twitter, Facebook etc. This means that there is a wide audience on-line and members of the music industry have taken advantage of this. Many musicians are on Twitter. Some of those accounts are controlled by the record company they are apart of, some musicians have full control over what they say on Twitter. The artists who have control over what they tweet are the ones that reach a wider audience because they'd have more followers. One notable case is Rhianna. Rhianna's twitter used to be controlled by her company and she had over 20k followers on twitter, she then took over her account and she gained over a million followers on twitter.
Another notable case is JME's twitter. A couple of months ago, he ran a contest promoting the release of his new album BLAM!, in which his followers had to post a print-screen of them buying his album off of iTunes and they could win an iPad, many people posted their pictures of them downloading the album.
This shows that social media is an important way to promote material today. A reason why is because the fans can communicate with the artist, so there is a more direct communication making it more likely for the consumers to buy the artists material.
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