Friday, 28 September 2012

skills audit

Back in the AS year when we were researching our thriller we only had to focus on the thriller genre and occasionally compare it with other genres. This year, the researching is more different because we get to look at all types of music videos and genres and we also have to interpret them differently referring back to several theories we've learnt this year such as Andrew Goodwin s theory or Carol Vernalis's theory. We analyse the music videos differently to the videos we analysed when researching our thrillers because music videos have more edits and usually don't tell a story and we also have to look at how a base track is used, and the editing is to the beat so there is an edit every two words, something that doesn't happen in TV dramas/films.

We have also picked up new skills on final cut, skills that we didn't need for our thriller such as Lip syncing, we started off by pressing M on the keyboard to place a marker on a certain word of the song, then we placed a marker on the word that is said in several videos, overlapped them, aligned them with the marker in the music then cut certain parts off the video. Learning this skill will help greatly when it comes to producing our music video.

We also had a more in depth look at the current state of the music industry because it would affect the way our music video would be made because we need something to stand out.

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