Thursday, 18 October 2012

Analysis of my favourite music video

Daft Punk - Around the world

Best example for a music video is Around the world by Daft Punk directed by Michel Gondry and choreographed by Blanca lI.
I think this video is one of the best music videos ever produced because its colourful, funky and captures the essence of the beat, this video is the perfect example that shows the beat of the music embedded into the edit of the music video. It also follows some elements of Goodwin’s theory of disjuncture where music video does not entirely reflect the lyrics of the song.

The set is supposed to show a vinyl record where the four men dressed as robots walk in a circle to represent the movement of the vinyl. And each group of the four characters represents a different instrument the robots represent the singing voice; the physicality and small-minded rapidity of the athletes symbolizes the ascending/descending bass guitar; the femininity of the disco girls represents the high-pitched keyboard; the "itchy" skeletons dance to the guitar line; and the mummies represent the drum machine. This was released 1997 and for the time the whole concept of the video was different and completely new, it was the directors first attempt to depict organized dancing into the music video. 

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame s much of this is copied from wikipedia - do feel confident to use your own words and ideas
