Sunday, 14 October 2012

PLANNING:Analysis of original music video.

As our artist, Annoying Wanderer, does not have a music video for the song we are going to do for our project, this presents us with an opportunity to come up with unique ideas for the music video. We will use inspiration from other artists from the same genre ( which can be found in the blog titled Analysis of 3 music videos that have influenced our final song.) We will follow Andrew Goodwin theory on dis juncture as our song is focused on  performance and there is no narrative in the video so its not relating to the lyrics of the song. The editing of our music video will be fast and it will jump from different locations and angles so the interest of audience will be kept fresh throughout the song. The locations we've chosen reflects the artist himself, so we've chosen areas like Brick Lane which offers lots of culture and content that isn't mainstream, which is what our artist does.
For mise en scene, the lighting of the video would be colourful and not dark because we want the lighting to reflect the tone of the song. The only prop in our music video would be a microphone for when he is being filmed in the recording studio to show emphasise that our artist expresses himself through music. We will also be using various shot types and angles to maintain the interest of the audience and we are also going to using a fish eye lens in some parts of the song so the focus is only on the artist.
Brick Lane

Here is a picture of a fisheye lens.

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