Monday, 8 October 2012

What is the function of a music video?

The main purpose of a music video is solely to promote the artist and the release of their new single. Earlier on in the 1960’s some musicians and artist experimented with music videos as short films such as the Rolling Stones and the Beatles; which meant that their audience could listen to them whenever they wanted on TV. Now music videos are produced to create an extension of income and to help keep the artist or band in the public eye for a longer time after the release of their album or single.

Music videos are arguably have a massive influence on the music industry today where artists of bands can share their music video on big platforms like MTV, VH1,Kerrang and Hits etc. Slowly they music videos had a large impact on the artists popularity, for instance Michael Jacksons video of Thriller was voted the most popular music video of all time. He introduced a new concept of intertextuality combining his music to promote the movie Teen Wolf and adapting the films concepts into his own music video.

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