Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Audience Task

The target audience for the Annoying Wanderer would be a niche audience because he is an independent artist who is not really signed to a record label. The audience we are aiming are mostly male young adults from the age 16-21 so our target group would be the younger generation and they would be more London based. We don't really have a specific ethnicity because we would describe his music to be very diverse. But if we had to choose it would be mainley black and white ethnic origins. They would be students either going college or university because the Annoying Wanderer's music is very streetbased and urban.

I would like to think that people who travel a lot on the tube or the bus would listen to his music because its rap but has a very relaxing vibe to it. I think people who like to go out and socialise with friends and have a good time might listen to this artist. If i had to identify what kind of materials they would read it would be internet based articles or get their information from social network like facebook, twitter or poeple who use BBM. Our targeted audience will go with the popular gadgets suh as the Iphone and Blckberry. 

Our audience would have a very fresh and new quircky look which is very hipster with a hint of urban vibe. Brands they'll be attracted to would be 'Vans' and the fashion brand 'Obey.' so they would be into bright funky colors, t-shirts, chinos, skinny jeans and snapbacks. They would shop at stores like H&M Size and online shops which would be mainly designer clothing.

Our target audience would usually drink alcho -pops, smirnoff vodka and beer. I chose to list alcohol because they are young and adventurous where they'd like to party and have fun. And lastly the genre they like may be Jazz, Rap and  Experimental music.

Psychographic Profile:
Hipster would probably be aspirers but the actual audience who may not all be hipsters are reformers who are more about the quality of life who are more focused on self fulfilment and may be from educated group/ 

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